Friday 21 February 2020

Free allergy season

Spring is in the air, and unfortunately, so are allergies. Use these tips and products dedicated to stopping itching, tearing and uncontrollable sneezing!

Start at home. Put your old vacuum on the sidewalk and try a new and improved HEPA vacuum. HEPA means high efficiency particulate air. These vacuum cleaners eat cookie crumbs and clean the air. The old vacuum cleaners lift the dust and spit it back into the air, causing their allergies to explode. It may be a bargain, but worth the price.

Pod purifiers. Keep your home décor elegant with the AirPod cleaner. This mod accessory absorbs the bad and expels the good. The bright look of an iPod docking station and the power of a HEPA filter help you say goodbye to those pesky allergies.

Defend detergent allergies. Washing your modern spring wardrobe with Seven Generation laundry detergent will also help in the fight against allergens. This detergent is not only hypoallergenic but is also made from non-toxic and biodegradable products. Don't forget to toss your bedding twice a week to remove dust mites and cat water. Don't stay awake anymore because your nose is running!

Improve your pet. Are you in a home with kitty-phobia due to allergies? Don't be afraid, you can still get fluffy. It may cost you a penny or two, three or four. The current rate for an allergy-free furball is $ 3,950.00. Raised in Los Angeles, the Allerca hypoallergenic cat is similar to any other average cat, but will not cause a sneeze.

Remove the pollen. Avoid close contact with the pollen if possible. Avoid working outside during the allergy season, especially in the early mornings on hot, dry and windy days. If you are outdoors, take a face mask designed to filter pollen so it does not enter the nostrils. Also, try to keep doors and windows closed during peak periods of pollen production. However, do not let it ruin your holiday. Instead, stay away from beach areas where you will be exposed to minimal pollen.

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